Refurbishment of Former Diagonal Industrial Building, Maag-Areal

The Diagonal building, the former Maag cogwheel factory, has been preserved as a fascinating architectural testament to the site’s industrial past. The load-bearing structure and the façades have been carefully revitalized. the surviving slender glazing bars were restored and are complemented by insulating glazing on the interior. The Diagonal building contains a restaurant on the ground floor and gallery spaces on the upper floors.

Location Zurich, Switzerland

Programme Listed industrial building, with restaurant in the ground floor, art galleries, offices

Competition 2004, 1st Prize

Client Swiss Prime Site AG, Olten
Client’s Representative: Perolini Baumanagement AG, Zurich

Gross Floor Area 2‘759 m2

Team GG Planning/Construction: Stefan Thommen (Team- and Project Manager) Pieter Rabijns (Project Manager), Alex Zeller, Urs Meyer, Raffaella Bisceglia
Competition: Stefan Thommen

Total Contractor ARGE Prime Tower
Losinger Construction AG and Karl Steiner, Zurich

Landscape Architecture Schweingruber Zulauf Landschaftsarchitekten, Zurich

Cost Planning/Scheduling Building Project/General Contractor Submission: b+p baurealisation ag, Zurich

Structural Engineer Competition (C): Dr. Schwartz Consulting AG, Zug
Submission (S): Dr. Schwartz Consulting AG, Zug and Dr. Lüchinger + Meyer AG, Zurich and Freihofer & Partner AG, Zurich
Execution (E): Walt + Galmarini AG, Zurich with Dr. Schwartz Consulting AG, Zug, Dr. Lüchinger + Meyer AG, Zurich, Bänzinger Partner AG, Richterswil, Freihofer & Partner AG, Zurich

Electrical Engineer S: IBG Graf AG, St.Gallen
E: Hefti Hess Martingnoni, Zurich

Fire Safety S: Makiol + Wiederkehr, Beinwil am See
E: Gruner AG, Basel with Makiol + Wiederkehr, Beinwil am See

Heating/Cooling S/E: PB P. Berchtold, Sarnen

Ventilation Engineer C/S: Waldhauser AG, Münchenstein
A: Hans Abicht AG, Zurich

Plumbing S: PB P. Berchtold, Sarnen
E: GRP Ingenieure, Rotkreuz

Sprinkler Consultant S: PB P. Berchtold, Sarnen
E: GRP Ingenieure, Rotkreuz

Photos © Valentin Jeck
© Walter Mair
© Thies Wachter

Awards Auszeichnung für gute Bauten der Stadt Zürich 2011–2015